Launched in 2019, Sisters@Heart is proud if it’s scholarship program which supports individuals that have been affected by heart and stroke related illnesses. All applicants must be a student who has been directly impacted by a heart or stroke health related problem in their life or in the life of someone in their family. Our ideal candidate should personify the qualities of strength and determination to persevere and help improve his/her life or the lives of others and should be planning for high school, trade school or college for the upcoming academic year. The scholarship, in the amount of $1,000 each, is given annually for the use of education or education-related expenses. We have awarded eighteen Sisters@Heart scholarships to date.

New in 2023, Sisters@Heart has collaborated with the North Attleboro Public School System to award a scholarship to one North Attleboro individual that has participated in the North Attleboro Middle School Hoops for Hearts event. To promote participation and giving back to our community, this award will be given to a graduating Senior who took part in the middle school Hoops for Hearts program. Our ideal candidate should be passionate about heart and stroke health, and continue the qualities of advocacy and volunteerism throughout high school. Recipients should be planning for trade school or college for the upcoming academic year. The $1000 scholarship will be awarded annually. We awarded our first Big Red Scholarship in 2023.

Also new in 2023, the Sisters@Heart Ben Brower scholarship, will be awarded to one individual that has been affected by personal illness/tragedy or the loss of a parent. All applicants must be a student who has suffered the loss of a parent or a personal long term illness/tragedy themselves. This award is honoring Benjamin Brower and his surviving children. Recipients should be planning for high school, trade school or college for the upcoming academic year. The $1000 scholarship will be given for the use of education or education related expenses. Our first Ben Brower Scholarships were awarded in 2023.